[OmniOS-discuss] OmniOS r151014: failed to switch from SunSSH to OpenSSH

Davide Poletto davide.poletto at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 14:56:14 UTC 2017

Gosh, totally my fault in not reading the right Release Note, yes the
Publisher is still the r151014 (as reported)...that did the trick:

root at nas01:/root# /usr/bin/pkg install --no-backup-be --reject
pkg:/network/ssh --reject pkg:/network/ssh/ssh-key --reject
pkg:/service/network/ssh pkg:/network/openssh pkg:/network/openssh-server

            Packages to remove:  3
           Packages to install:  2
            Services to change:  2
       Create boot environment: No
Create backup boot environment: No

DOWNLOAD                                PKGS         FILES    XFER (MB)
Completed                                5/5         35/35      2.1/2.1

PHASE                                          ITEMS
Removing old actions                           73/73
Installing new actions                         53/53
Updating modified actions                      24/24
Updating package state database                 Done
Updating package cache                           3/3
Updating image state                            Done
Creating fast lookup database                   Done
Reading search index                            Done
Updating search index                            5/5


On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 4:06 PM, Andy Fiddaman <omnios at citrus-it.net> wrote:

> On Mon, 24 Jul 2017, Davide Poletto wrote:
> ; executing the suggested command:
> ;
> ; root at nas01:/root# /usr/bin/pkg install --no-backup-be --reject
> ; pkg:/network/ssh --reject pkg:/network/ssh/ssh-key --reject
> ; pkg:/service/network/ssh --reject pkg:/service/network/ssh-common
> ; pkg:/network/openssh pkg:/network/openssh-server
> ;
> ; fails with the message:
> ;
> ; pkg install: The following pattern(s) did not match any allowable
> ; packages.  Try
> ; using a different matching pattern, or refreshing publisher information:
> ;
> ;     pkg:/service/network/ssh-common
> The release notes for r151014
> ( https://omnios.omniti.com/wiki.php/ReleaseNotes/r151014 )
> say to run this command to achieve the switch and I remember doing this
> successfully when it first came out.
> /usr/bin/pkg install --no-backup-be --reject pkg:/network/ssh --reject
> pkg:/network/ssh/ssh-key --reject pkg:/service/network/ssh
> pkg:/network/openssh pkg:/network/openssh-server
> This assumes you are still on the r151014 publisher.
> Your second command was close but you should remove the --reject at well as
> the ssh-common component.
> Regards,
> Andy
> --
> Citrus IT Limited | +44 (0)333 0124 007 | enquiries at citrus-it.co.uk
> Rock House Farm | Green Moor | Wortley | Sheffield | S35 7DQ
> Registered in England and Wales | Company number 4899123
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