[OmniOS-discuss] OmniOS r151014: failed to switch from SunSSH to OpenSSH

Krzysztof Grzempa grzempek at gmail.com
Fri Jul 28 08:50:28 UTC 2017

So, any other ideas ? I would like to avoid plain new installation scenario


2017-07-28 1:29 GMT+02:00 Dan McDonald <danmcd at kebe.com>:

> Yeah that's right.  Sorry -- had to ask.
> Dan
> Sent from my iPhone (typos, autocorrect, and all)
> On Jul 27, 2017, at 4:36 PM, Krzysztof Grzempa <grzempek at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> I had done prerequsities before i started:
> root at mojvps:/root# pkg list -v ca-bundle
> pkg://omnios/web/ca-bundle@5.11-0.151014:20170414T020006Z
> i--
> there is 'April' certificates..right ?
> Kris
> 2017-07-27 22:28 GMT+02:00 Dan McDonald <danmcd at kebe.com>:
>> You're sure you're on the very latest 014? Could be lack of updated
>> certificates...
>> Dan
>> Sent from my iPhone (typos, autocorrect, and all)
>> On Jul 27, 2017, at 4:14 PM, Krzysztof Grzempa <grzempek at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Guys,
>> I will grab this thread as it is somehow similiar. I want to upgrade from
>> r151014 to r151022. I went throught all steps of:
>> https://omnios.omniti.com/wiki.php/Upgrade_to_r151022
>> but when Im performing upgrade:
>> # /usr/bin/pkg update --be-name r151022
>> i got:
>> root at mojvps:/root# /usr/bin/pkg update --be-name r151022
>> Creating Plan (Running solver): |
>> pkg update: No solution was found to satisfy constraints
>> Plan Creation: Package solver has not found a solution to update to
>> latest available versions.
>> This may indicate an overly constrained set of packages are installed.
>> latest incorporations:
>>   pkg://omnios/entire@11,5.11-0.151022:20170511T002513Z
>>   pkg://omnios/incorporation/jeos/illumos-gate@11,5.11-0.15102
>> 2:20170510T210757Z
>>   pkg://omnios/consolidation/osnet/osnet-incorporation@0.5.11,
>> 5.11-0.151022:20170510T212740Z
>>   pkg://omnios/incorporation/jeos/omnios-userland@11,5.11-0.
>> 151022:20170511T001737Z
>> Dependency analysis is unable to determine exact cause.
>> Try specifying expected results to obtain more detailed error messages.
>> I set publisher correctly IHMO:
>> root at mojvps:/root# pkg publisher
>> PUBLISHER                   TYPE     STATUS P LOCATION
>> omnios                      origin   online F
>> https://pkg.omniti.com/omnios/r151022/
>> Any ideas ?
>> I want to upgrade to CE after that.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Kris
>> 2017-07-24 17:01 GMT+02:00 Davide Poletto <davide.poletto at gmail.com>:
>>> Thanks Andy, thanks Peter.
>>> So now OpenSSH is installed:
>>> root at nas01:/root# pkg list | grep ssh
>>> network/openssh
>>> 7.4.1-0.151014             i--
>>> network/openssh-server
>>> 7.4.1-0.151014             i--
>>> root at nas01:/root# ssh -V
>>> OpenSSH_7.4p1, OpenSSL 1.0.2k  26 Jan 2017
>>> Totally my fault in not following the right Release Notes (I thought I
>>> should have followed the destination version - r151022 - Release Notes
>>> instead the one from where the upgrade process has to start, r151014 in my
>>> case).
>>> Thanks again for pointing me on the right track.
>>> Best regards, Davide.
>>> On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 4:21 PM, Peter Tribble <peter.tribble at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 2:56 PM, Davide Poletto <
>>>> davide.poletto at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>> I'm facing a strange issue on a pretty standard OmniOS r151014 LTS box
>>>>> fully updated (only Global Zone), following the "Upgrading to r151022"
>>>>> instructions at https://omnios.omniti.com/wiki.php/Upgrade_to_r151022
>>>>> required before any jump to OmniOS r151022 (my final target is OmniOS
>>>>> Community Edition r151022i) I found that I'm unable to switch to OpenSSH as
>>>>> per "Upgrading to OpenSSH from SunSSH" instructions on the same page:
>>>>> executing the suggested command:
>>>>> root at nas01:/root# /usr/bin/pkg install --no-backup-be --reject
>>>>> pkg:/network/ssh --reject pkg:/network/ssh/ssh-key --reject
>>>>> pkg:/service/network/ssh --reject pkg:/service/network/ssh-common
>>>>> pkg:/network/openssh pkg:/network/openssh-server
>>>>> fails with the message:
>>>>> pkg install: The following pattern(s) did not match any allowable
>>>>> packages.  Try
>>>>> using a different matching pattern, or refreshing publisher
>>>>> information:
>>>>>     pkg:/service/network/ssh-common
>>>> The r151014 release notes
>>>> https://omnios.omniti.com/wiki.php/ReleaseNotes/r151014
>>>> say
>>>> /usr/bin/pkg install --no-backup-be --reject pkg:/network/ssh --reject
>>>> pkg:/network/ssh/ssh-key --reject pkg:/service/network/ssh
>>>> pkg:/network/openssh pkg:/network/openssh-server
>>>> Blindly I tried to omit the specific "ssh-common" package reject
>>>> I think you were on the right track.
>>>>> but the result is not conforting me (maybe I tried a command in a
>>>>> totally wrong way not understanding what the --reject options really mean):
>>>>> root at nas01:/root# /usr/bin/pkg install --no-backup-be --reject
>>>>> pkg:/network/ssh --reject pkg:/network/ssh/ssh-key --reject
>>>>> pkg:/service/network/ssh --reject pkg:/network/openssh
>>>>> pkg:/network/openssh-server
>>>> I think you have an extra --reject in there, so you've told it not to
>>>> install openssh.
>>>> --
>>>> -Peter Tribble
>>>> http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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