[OmniOS-discuss] LX: real ksh93 broken

Nahum Shalman nshalman at omniti.com
Tue May 9 14:02:35 UTC 2017

As a data point, I tested this on a very recent SmartOS and was unable to

root at ksh-debian:~# set -o xtrace ; /native/usr/bin/uname -a; uname -a ; cat
/etc/debian_version ; dpkg-query -l ksh | grep ksh ; /bin/ksh93
+ set -o xtrace
+ /native/usr/bin/uname -a
SunOS ksh-debian 5.11 joyent_20170427T222500Z i86pc i386 i86pc
+ uname -a
Linux ksh-debian 3.16.10 BrandZ virtual linux x86_64 GNU/Linux
+ cat /etc/debian_version
+ dpkg-query -l ksh
+ grep ksh
ii  ksh            93u+20120801-1 amd64        Real, AT&T version of the
Korn shell
+ /bin/ksh93
# ps | grep $$
77074 pts/2    00:00:00 ksh93
# exit
root at ksh-debian:~#

On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 5:52 AM, Ludovic Orban <lorban at bitronix.be> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've installed the real ksh93 (this stuff: https://packages.debian.org/
> jessie/ksh) on a r151020 LX zone running the latest Debian (
> https://images.joyent.com/images/e74a9cd0-f2d0-11e6-8b69-b3acf2ef87f7)
> and it behaves strangely.
> Here is what I get:
> root at debian-8:~# /bin/ksh93
> # ls /
> ^C^C
> ^Z^Z^Z
> ^\^\^\^\
> Killed
> root at debian-8:~#
> root at debian-8:~#
> (note: the "Killed" line is due to a kill -9 from another terminal).
> Basically, any command I type just hangs there. Sometimes the shell reacts
> to ^C and/or ^D allowing me to try a different command that also gonna
> hang, and sometimes it doesn't and I have to kill the shell from another
> terminal. In the latter case, ksh93 starts kind of a "fork bomb" where it
> seems to fork itself in a loop.
> I can reproduce this problem from a zlogin term as well as from a direct
> ssh session. I've also tried ksh93 on a CentOS zone to make sure the
> problem wasn't caused by Debian's build and the exact same problem arises.
> Any idea what's going on?
> Thanks,
> Ludovic
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