[OmniOS-discuss] sudo update

Andy Fiddaman omnios at citrus-it.net
Thu Nov 23 10:40:43 UTC 2017

On Thu, 23 Nov 2017, Al Slater wrote:

; Hi,
; I have just updated a number of my omniosce boxes to r151022y, bringing
; in the sudo updates in r151022u.
; All my machines have BSM auditing enabled, and now I am seeing the
; following when using sudo
; sudo: au_preselect: Bad file number

Hi, this is something we specifically tested along with the sudo update
since auditing was an area that changed quite a bit. Could you please check
that all of your packages are up-to-date (particularly SUNWcs) and that the
output of the following commands matches on your system?

r151022% auditrecord -e AUE_sudo

  program     sudo                 See sudo(1m)
  event ID    6650                 AUE_sudo
  class       lo,ua,as             (0x00061000)
      exec_arguments               command args
      [text]                       error message (failure only)

r151022% grep sudo /etc/security/audit_event /usr/lib/audit/audit_record_attr
/etc/security/audit_event:# sudo event

If the problem persists, please post the audit configuration that you're
using so we can try and replicate (auditconfig -getflags)



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