[OmniOS-discuss] weird issue with active BE on new Omnios CE install

Joseph Boren jboren at drakecooper.com
Wed Sep 13 01:27:41 UTC 2017


Had a strange thing happen with a new server build today.  Installing
r151022q on a new Supermicro X11SSH-CTF motherboard, downloaded the flash
drive image, burned to a 64Gb USB flash drive, installed just fine,
rebooted, all is well.  Installed napp-it, which creates a new BE and sets
it active.  Rebooted and let it try to boot into the new BE and got this:

Loading now....
can't find 'now'
can't find 'now'

Loading /boot/defualts/loader.conf
Loading now.....
can't find 'now'
can't find 'now'

Type ? for a list of commands *blah blah blah*

Rebooted and selected the BE from before the install and it booted fine.
So I created a new BE with beadmin, set it active, and rebooted and got the
same error.  So I set the old (working) BE active and rebooted again, and
now I'm getting that same error on that BE too.  Rebooted yet again,
selected the new, manually created BE and it booted just fine.  Set it
active and rebooted again - now that BE is broken too.  Rebooted for the
millionth time and selected the other (old - not active) BE and lo and
behold it boots just fine.

So it appears that whatever BE is set active will not boot.  I believe
that's actual irony right there.  Any non-active BE will boot just fine if
selected in the loader screen.

Anyone seen this problem before?  Any Ideas what may be going on?  It's
probably my fault somehow....


Joseph Boren

IT Specialist

+c: 208.891.2128

+ 416 S 8th St., Boise, ID 83702

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