[OmniOS-discuss] weird issue with active BE on new Omnios CE install

Andy Fiddaman omnios at citrus-it.net
Wed Sep 13 18:29:53 UTC 2017

On Tue, 12 Sep 2017, Joseph Boren wrote:

; Greetings,
; Had a strange thing happen with a new server build today.  Installing
; r151022q on a new Supermicro X11SSH-CTF motherboard, downloaded the flash
; drive image, burned to a 64Gb USB flash drive, installed just fine,
; rebooted, all is well.  Installed napp-it, which creates a new BE and sets
; it active.  Rebooted and let it try to boot into the new BE and got this:
; Loading now....
; can't find 'now'
; can't find 'now'

How are you rebooting?
If you are using 'reboot now' then it will result in this behaviour.

Use just 'reboot' or 'init 6' - it isn't Linux : )


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