[OmniOS-discuss] zpool replace command returns internal error: out of memory

Paul Jochum paul.jochum at nokia.com
Mon Jan 22 15:24:17 UTC 2018

Hi All:

Last Saturday, I updated my servers to the latest version of OmniOS-CE 
(r151024j), and today, while trying to replace a drive, I received the 
following error message;

#  zpool replace zfs_pool c11t5000C5003A017D5Bd0 c11t5000C5003A39950Bd0
internal error: out of memory

Some information about my system:

# uname -a
SunOS lss-nfsa05 5.11 omnios-r151024-e482f10563 i86pc i386 i86pc

root at lss-nfsa05:~# uptime
  09:20:28  up   0:18,  3 users,  load average: 0.41, 0.30, 0.23

load averages:  0.38,  0.30,  0.23;               up 0+00:19:09 09:20:45
61 processes: 60 sleeping, 1 on cpu
CPU states: 99.3% idle,  0.0% user,  0.7% kernel,  0.0% iowait, 0.0% swap
Kernel: 1623 ctxsw, 1 trap, 1446 intr, 254 syscall, 1 flt
Memory: 128G phys mem, 118G free mem, 4096M total swap, 4096M free swap

I have tried rebooting my system and also exporting and importing the 
zfs_pool filesystem, but neither step helped.

Any suggestions on what to try next, or what info to collect to help 
debug this?


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