[OmniOS-discuss] [zfs] FMD fails to run

Schweiss, Chip chip at innovates.com
Fri Mar 16 14:18:17 UTC 2018

While this problem was originally ruled out as an artifact of running as a
virtual machine, I've now installed the same HBA and JBOD to a physical
server.   The problem is exactly the same.

This is on OmniOS CE r151024r


# /usr/lib/fm/fmd/fmd -o fg=true -o client.debug=true
fmd: [ loading modules ... ABORT: attempted zero-length allocation:
Operation not supported
Abort (core dumped)

> $C
080462a8 libc.so.1`_lwp_kill+0x15(1, 6, 80462f8, fef42000, fef42000,
080462c8 libc.so.1`raise+0x2b(6, 0, 80462e0, feec1b59, 0, 0)
08046318 libc.so.1`abort+0x10e(fead51f0, 0, fede2a40, 30, 524f4241,
08046748 libses.so.1`ses_panic(fdde6758, 8046774, 80467e8, fdb6b67a,
83eb0a8, fdb6c398)
08046768 libses.so.1`ses_realloc(fdde6758, 0, 83f01b8, fdde6130, fddf7000,
08046788 libses.so.1`ses_alloc+0x27(0, feb80000, 6, 10, ee0, 8111627)
080467b8 libses.so.1`ses_zalloc+0x1e(0, 0, 73, fdb6659d, 83f0190, 8)
08046838 ses2.so`elem_parse_aes_misc+0x91(81114f4, 83eb0a8, 8, fdb65d85)
08046888 ses2.so`elem_parse_aes+0xfc(82f1ac8, 83f0288, 80468f8, fdb80eae)
080468a8 ses2.so`ses2_fill_element_node+0x37(82f1ac8, 83f0288, 832e930, 4)
080468d8 ses2.so`ses2_node_parse+0x53(82f1ac8, 83f0288, e, fddf7000)
080468f8 libses.so.1`ses_fill_node+0x22(83f0288, 83f0348, fdde38ae,
08046918 libses.so.1`ses_fill_tree+0x21(83f0288, 82f1c88, 83e4cc8, fdde394c)
08046938 libses.so.1`ses_fill_tree+0x33(82f1d88, 82f1b88, 8046968, fdde394c)
08046958 libses.so.1`ses_fill_tree+0x33(82f1c88, 82ef758, 8046998, fdde394c)
08046978 libses.so.1`ses_fill_tree+0x33(82f1b88, 0, 18, fddf7000)
08046998 libses.so.1`ses_fill_snap+0x22(82f08a0, 80, 0, fdde56eb)
080469e8 libses.so.1`ses_snap_new+0x325(82f1b48, 0, 8046a18, fdde3006)
08046a18 libses.so.1`ses_open_scsi+0xc4(1, 82ef688, 8046aa0, fed71c1b,
81053f8, fede4042)
08046a68 libses.so.1`ses_open+0x98(1, 8046aa0, 0, feecedd3, 43, fde1fc58)
08046eb8 ses.so`ses_process_dir+0x133(fde20159, 83cc348, 0, fed77e40)
08046ee8 ses.so`ses_enum+0xc1(81053f8, 82f21a0, 8386608, 0, 400, 0)
08046f38 libtopo.so.1`topo_mod_enumerate+0xc4(81053f8, 82f21a0, 82fb1c8,
8386608, 0, 400)
08046f88 libtopo.so.1`enum_run+0xe9(8105a18, 83d6f78, a, fed7b1dd)
08046fd8 libtopo.so.1`topo_xml_range_process+0x13e(8105a18, 82eb5b0,
83d6f78, 8047008)
08047028 libtopo.so.1`tf_rdata_new+0x135(8105a18, 82dfde0, 82eb5b0, 82f21a0)
08047088 libtopo.so.1`topo_xml_walk+0x246(8105a18, 82dfde0, 82ebd30,
82f21a0, 8105a18, 83cbac0)
080470e8 libtopo.so.1`topo_xml_walk+0x1b2(8105a18, 82dfde0, 82de080,
08047128 libtopo.so.1`dependent_create+0x127(8105a18, 82dfde0, 83d3aa0,
82de080, 82f21a0, fed7b1f9)
08047168 libtopo.so.1`dependents_create+0x64(8105a18, 82dfde0, 83d3aa0,
82de300, 82f21a0, 81eb0d8)
08047218 libtopo.so.1`pad_process+0x51e(8105a18, 83ce100, 82de300, 82f21a0,
83ce128, 81d8638)
08047278 libtopo.so.1`topo_xml_range_process+0x31f(8105a18, 82de300,
83ce100, 80472a8)
080472c8 libtopo.so.1`tf_rdata_new+0x135(8105a18, 82dfde0, 82de300, 81eb198)
08047328 libtopo.so.1`topo_xml_walk+0x246(8105a18, 82dfde0, 82d1ca0,
81eb198, 8103f40, fed8c000)
08047358 libtopo.so.1`topo_xml_enum+0x67(8105a18, 82dfde0, 81eb198,
08047488 libtopo.so.1`topo_file_load+0x139(8105a18, 81eb198, fe20c127,
fe20bda2, 0, 82d2000)
080474b8 libtopo.so.1`topo_mod_enummap+0x26(8105a18, 81eb198, fe20c127,
fe20bda2, 8105a18, fe20b11c)
08047508 x86pi.so`x86pi_enum_start+0xc5(8105a18, 8047530, 8047538,
fe205580, 8105a18, 8105a18)
08047558 x86pi.so`x86pi_enum+0x55(8105a18, 81eb198, 81d8a90, 0, 0, 0)
080475a8 libtopo.so.1`topo_mod_enumerate+0xc4(8105a18, 81eb198, 80ebf38,
81d8a90, 0, 0)
080475f8 libtopo.so.1`enum_run+0xe9(8105b68, 81f1070, a, fed7b1dd)
08047648 libtopo.so.1`topo_xml_range_process+0x13e(8105b68, 81f94c8,
81f1070, 8047678)
08047698 libtopo.so.1`tf_rdata_new+0x135(8105b68, 81f4240, 81f94c8, 81eb198)
080476f8 libtopo.so.1`topo_xml_walk+0x246(8105b68, 81f4240, 81f9608,
81eb198, 8103f40, fed8c000)
08047728 libtopo.so.1`topo_xml_enum+0x67(8105b68, 81f4240, 81eb198, 81d8ad0)
08047858 libtopo.so.1`topo_file_load+0x139(8105b68, 81eb198, 80f3f38,
81d8aa0, 0, 2c)
08047898 libtopo.so.1`topo_tree_enum+0x89(8103f40, 81f51c8, 80478c8,
fe70e6f8, 81f7f78, 8103f40)
080478b8 libtopo.so.1`topo_tree_enum_all+0x20(8103f40, 81f7f78, 80478f8,
080478f8 libtopo.so.1`topo_snap_create+0x13d(8103f40, 804794c, 0, fed7118d,
807c010, 4d5)
08047928 libtopo.so.1`topo_snap_hold+0x56(8103f40, 0, 804794c, 80e7f08, 0,
08047968 fmd_topo_update+0x9f(80e7f08, 8085dfa, 8047a68, 80601f7, 0, 0)
08047978 fmd_topo_init+0xb(0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 80992f8)
08047a68 fmd_run+0x118(809a8c0, ffffffff, 0, 2)
08047ae8 main+0x344(8047adc, fef4f348, 8047b18, 805fdd3, 5, 8047b24)
08047b18 _start+0x83(5, 8047c38, 8047c4c, 8047c4f, 8047c57, 8047c5a)

On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 10:57 AM, Schweiss, Chip <chip at innovates.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 10:47 AM, Robert Mustacchi <rm at joyent.com> wrote:
>> We're getting a zero length allocation here. It appears that the number
>> of phys that we're detecting in one of the elements is probably zero. Is
>> it possible to upload the core so we can confirm the data and fix the
>> ses module to handle this, potentially odd, case?
> Sure, where would you like me to upload the core?
> I've put it here if you'd like to grab it:  ftp://ftp.nrg.wustl.edu/
> pub/zfs/fmd.core
> -Chip
>> Thanks,
>> Robert
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