[OmniOS-discuss] Hello world, and some newcomers questions :)

Jim Klimov jimklimov at cos.ru
Fri Aug 2 16:12:16 UTC 2013

Hello Theo, thanks for the prompt reply!

On 2013-08-02 17:20, Theo Schlossnagle wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 7:44 AM, Jim Klimov <jimklimov at cos.ru
> <mailto:jimklimov at cos.ru>> wrote:
> That's a subjective question.  I'd imagine it looks quite similar to
> some and starkly different to others.

Right... well, to put it another way: I have rehearsed the procedure
to update older OpenSolaris SXCE servers to OpenIndiana before that
project stalled (and then became too experimental), and while some
servers can wait a few years more, others would quite benefit from
an OS upgrade. If I've figured out the needed procedure for OI, would
I likely easily adapt and reuse it for OmniOS, or should I expect to
learn a lot of new stuff and restart rehearsing from scratch? :^)

> No shipped X at all, not enough to run X stuff in anyway.  You can,
> however, get X pkgs from pkgsrc.

Uh-huh... and is there an install-ready IPS repo of pkgsrc provided
by OmniTI (or at least recommended, even if maintained by some other
team), along with occasional updates of software in the repo?

Sorry for this particular lame question, I guess I just did not get
too far through the docs yet :\

>        If I build my own ZFS-root image for the networked installer, can it
>     involve a hierarchy of several datasets or just one root FS dataset?
> Not as a baked in feature, but there is post-install scripting available
> and you could easily make that happen without modifying kayak. (just zfs
> recv the extra data sets over the network after the rpool is recv'd).  I
> think you'll be pleasantly surprised by the simplicity and power of kayak.

And is that all received as a "zfs-send" stream packed into a file?
I mean, are there any limitations in Kayak today that would limit an
ability to receive a "replication" stream which already includes a
hierarchy of datasets? In a simple case - a hierarchy rooted under
one common root filesystem dataset - for example, rpool/ROOT/rootfs
and rpool/ROOT/rootfs/var (and maybe some split usr/ and opt/)?..
I would likely need scripted receiving for my other half of the
general setup - the rpool/SHARED/var/* datasets (logs, mail, etc.)
to be common across different BEs.

//Jim Klimov

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