[OmniOS-discuss] Hello world, and some newcomers questions :)

Theo Schlossnagle jesus at omniti.com
Fri Aug 2 17:36:03 UTC 2013

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 9:12 AM, Jim Klimov <jimklimov at cos.ru> wrote:

> Hello Theo, thanks for the prompt reply!
> On 2013-08-02 17:20, Theo Schlossnagle wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 7:44 AM, Jim Klimov <jimklimov at cos.ru
>> <mailto:jimklimov at cos.ru>> wrote:
>> That's a subjective question.  I'd imagine it looks quite similar to
>> some and starkly different to others.
> Right... well, to put it another way: I have rehearsed the procedure
> to update older OpenSolaris SXCE servers to OpenIndiana before that
> project stalled (and then became too experimental), and while some
> servers can wait a few years more, others would quite benefit from
> an OS upgrade. If I've figured out the needed procedure for OI, would
> I likely easily adapt and reuse it for OmniOS, or should I expect to
> learn a lot of new stuff and restart rehearsing from scratch? :^)

We don't use incorporations and consolidations the same way. So, the
procedure will most certainly be different.

>  No shipped X at all, not enough to run X stuff in anyway.  You can,
>> however, get X pkgs from pkgsrc.
> Uh-huh... and is there an install-ready IPS repo of pkgsrc provided
> by OmniTI (or at least recommended, even if maintained by some other
> team), along with occasional updates of software in the repo?
> Sorry for this particular lame question, I guess I just did not get
> too far through the docs yet :\


>         If I build my own ZFS-root image for the networked installer, can
>> it
>>     involve a hierarchy of several datasets or just one root FS dataset?
>> Not as a baked in feature, but there is post-install scripting available
>> and you could easily make that happen without modifying kayak. (just zfs
>> recv the extra data sets over the network after the rpool is recv'd).  I
>> think you'll be pleasantly surprised by the simplicity and power of kayak.
> And is that all received as a "zfs-send" stream packed into a file?
> I mean, are there any limitations in Kayak today that would limit an
> ability to receive a "replication" stream which already includes a
> hierarchy of datasets? In a simple case - a hierarchy rooted under
> one common root filesystem dataset - for example, rpool/ROOT/rootfs
> and rpool/ROOT/rootfs/var (and maybe some split usr/ and opt/)?..
> I would likely need scripted receiving for my other half of the
> general setup - the rpool/SHARED/var/* datasets (logs, mail, etc.)
> to be common across different BEs.

I've never tried. I see no reason it couldn't work.


Theo Schlossnagle

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