[OmniOS-discuss] Re-installing OmniOS after Crash

Eric Sproul esproul at omniti.com
Mon Dec 2 14:53:09 UTC 2013

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 4:26 AM, Piers Dawson-Damer <piers at mm.st> wrote:
> Any update on this error?

This is because we are now signing packages in bloody, in preparation
for the next stable release.  If you're reasonably up to date with
r151007 you should already have the OmniTI CA certificate, which is
delivered by pkg:/web/ca-bundle into /etc/ssl/pkg.  If you have this,
you should be able to get going by setting your local image's
trust-anchor-directory property so that the OmniTI cert can be

# pkg set-property trust-anchor-directory etc/ssl/pkg

Note that the value is a *relative* path (relative to the root of the
image), so it does not have a leading '/'.

If you do not have the OmniTI CA file, you can update to the version
of ca-bundle that is not signed but *does* have the CA cert:

# pkg update web/ca-bundle at 5.11,5.11-0.151007:20130823T212116Z

This only works if you're already on some version of r151007.

We are in the home stretch for the next release, so those wishing for
the latest bits will have media containing signed packages and any new
pkg images created will have the correct trust-anchor-directory by


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