[OmniOS-discuss] Mail server package for OmniOS?

Steffen Kram sk at kram.io
Fri Jul 5 08:39:54 UTC 2013

As maintainer of uulm.mawi I just want to add … the provided postfix does work and is tested for standard tasks. I'm experimenting with a postfix-dovecot-ldap config, but I guarantee for nothing. If you've got suggestions for improvements, please submit an issue on github. That said, you can safely use the provided postfix for a home-server to deliver local mails.

Theres one problem in using postfix over the provided sendmail. Some core packages depend on a sendmail installation e.g. smtp-notify. In this case I also provide a modified version (changed sendmail dependency to optional) for smtp-notify but I'm not quite satisfied that I have to repackage such basic system packages to throw out sendmail dependencies.

Maybe, it would be possible to enable such packages to be used with other mta-implementations. It's not a problem on servers that do not run a mta … but if you run postfix anyway, you do not want an additional sendmail, but you may want things like smtp-notify for your hardware/system errors.

Cheers, Steffen

Am 05.07.2013 um 08:59 schrieb Guenther Alka <alka at hfg-gmuend.de>:

> check http://omnios.omniti.com/wiki.php/Packaging for repos,
> especially http://scott.mathematik.uni-ulm.de/
> with goodies like dovecot, postfix, netatalk, samba4,..
> http://scott.mathematik.uni-ulm.de/release/en/catalog.shtml
> Gea
> Am 05.07.2013 01:45, schrieb Hugh McIntyre:
>> Hmm. Thanks for the quick reply.
>> I admit I was surprised to not find it at first, but for some reason didn't see a match with "pkg search mail".
>> Anyway, thanks for the replies.
>> Hugh.
>> On 7/4/13 4:01 PM, Theo Schlossnagle wrote:
>>> Sendmail ships with omnios.
>>> On Jul 4, 2013 6:56 PM, "Hugh McIntyre" <lists at mcintyreweb.com> wrote:
>>>> Just installed an OmniOS server for backups at home, and it looks like
>>>> there's no mail server in the default package repo.
>>>> What are other people who need a mail server using?  This is only going to
>>>> be for client-side sending of mail -- only in case cron wants to send mail,
>>>> i.e. no local mail delivery.  Preferably either postfix (because it's used
>>>> elsewhere here so I have a working config) or sendmail (likewise a working
>>>> config from previous Solaris systems).
>>>> Is there another existing pkg repo (Openindiana, or ...?) or are people
>>>> mostly compiling from source, or doing without?
>>>> Hugh.
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