[OmniOS-discuss] updating all zones

sergey ivanov sergey57 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 12:51:11 EDT 2013

Hi Michael,
I had similar problem, after upgrading global zone and rebooting,  upgrades
in non-global zones failed. Non-global zones had lost their delegated zfs
datasets, and was not able to see even zfs they used as root filesystem. I
resolved the problem by halting zones, and then upgrading from global zone
with "-R" for image directory root. I would also be glad to see
recommendations and best practices for upgrading OmniOS with zones.

On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 6:41 AM, Michael Mounteney
<gate03 at landcroft.co.uk>wrote:

> In the global zone I just did:
>      # pkg update
> then zlogin to each child zone and
>      # pkg update
> there as well.  They complained:
> pkg: Unable to clone the current boot environment.
> I rebooted into the new BE then repeated the pkg update in the child
> zone with the same result.  I then tried to follow the instructions in
> http://www.thushanfernando.com/index.php/2010/01/14/upgrading-non-global-opensolaris-zone-to-latest-be/
> but:
> root at world:~# zoneadm -z diener boot
> zone 'diener': Unable to unmount the zone's root ZFS dataset
> (/zone/diener/root). zone 'diener':
> zone 'diener': Is there a global zone process inside the zone root?
> zone 'diener':
> zone 'diener': The current zone boot environment will remain mounted.
> Just to make it even more fun, it seems there are multiple problems
> with services not starting in at least one zone and I've had to revert
> to the previous BE.
> This is with bloody_20121228, pkg update to 20130208 (omnios-1) (which
> has been working fine since pkg update on about 10 Feb.) so the pkg
> update with the problems is omnios-2.
> What have I done wrong ?  Something to do with pkg update in child
> zones I'm sure.
> Michael.
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  Sergey Ivanov.
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