[OmniOS-discuss] how to ISCSI NFS samba in omniOS ZFS

Ben Kitching Ben.Kitching at Jigsaw24.com
Mon Sep 9 15:05:18 UTC 2013

Hi Yousuf,

I'd say that you are definitely better off learning the CLI before trying to do advanced stuff like that with Nappit, it will give you a better understanding of what is going on.

The old Sun (now Oracle) documentation is actually very good for this sort of thing. COMSTAR is the framwork for iSCSI and Fibre Channel used originally by Solaris and by proxy Illumos based operating systems like OmniOS. It is definitely required reading if you are trying to set up iSCSI on OmniOS.

This is a good place to start:


Set up correctly NFS and iSCSI are very stable with OmniOS.

Hope that helps


On 9 Sep 2013, at 15:29, Muhammad Yousuf Khan <sirtcp at gmail.com<mailto:sirtcp at gmail.com>>

i hope you will not mind my basic questions...

i am using a gui napp-it but i can not manage to create basic NFS, ISCSI .i think it is due to lack of my CLI level knowledge,
however samba was easy.

is there any basic how to for ZFS and ISCSI configuration for omniIOS

 i would also like to know  that does ZFS default support for (ZFS sharing such as)  iscsi and NFS is stable for production ?

 i am asking this question because Napp-it is referring to comstar. and i could not find good info on Napp-it instead of few PDFs on how to configure very basic application.

therefore instead of wasting my time in learning comstar and other stuff i though i should ask some thing to the point so that i do not have to look here and there and will get what you guys have learn from your experience.

i don't know whether comstar has anything to do with built in ZFS sharing or it is something work independently.

can anyone throw some light on these topis.
i just need very basic info . further i will hopefully learn by my self. as i am new to omni i just need a quick push to this new world. omniOS is quite  different from linux :(. however  i am disparate to learn :)



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