[OmniOS-discuss] poor nfs performence.

Muhammad Yousuf Khan sirtcp at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 15:41:02 UTC 2013

i am using Raidz2 with 4 drives.

i am using dell 490 with 2x3.0 Xeon processors.
12 GB RAM.

1 40gb HD for omni OS
4 different size disks for Raidz2. set of 2x160gb and 2x250 gb.
every thing is working well except VM file transfer performance. hosted on

when i SCP from omniOS to another linux server it copy

root at omni:/acipool# scp test.tmp root at 10.x.x.13:/
The authenticity of host '10.x.x.13 (10.xx.xx.13)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is da:x:xx:xx:8f:b1:ed:d9:f4:dd:e3xxx:21:5f:01:23.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '10.xx.xx.13' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
root at 10.x.x.13's password:
test.tmp             100%
5120 MB    07:37

which i think is fine due to Raidz and 2 parities.

however on VM hosted on NFS taking too much time.

a file of 500 MB copying from NFS to my desktops took 20 minutes.

but file from my desktop to NFS is normal. for example a file of 500Mb
taking less then a minute to copy.

but same file when i try to copy from NFS to desktop some time it shows 100
plus minutes  and dynamically changing time but eventually it is taking too
much time.

some time copying from NFS is a bit quicker and some time dead slow.

one thing i have also noticed that once the copy is dead slow it suddenly
starts copying the data very fast and it happens for few seconds and then
again dead slow.

any idea what is happening what mistake i am doing here ?

any advice would be highly appreciated.

i will share my further testing later.


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