[OmniOS-discuss] poor nfs performence.

Fábio Rabelo fabio at fabiorabelo.wiki.br
Tue Sep 10 16:55:44 UTC 2013

Hi to all ..

This article were my guideline in my first implementation :


My gess, you need more RAM .

In your description of the system, you have a lot of processing power,
but very litle RAM ...

Sata controler can impact that too .

Fábio Rabelo

2013/9/10 Muhammad Yousuf Khan <sirtcp at gmail.com>:
> i am using Raidz2 with 4 drives.
> i am using dell 490 with 2x3.0 Xeon processors.
> 12 GB RAM.
> 1 40gb HD for omni OS
> 4 different size disks for Raidz2. set of 2x160gb and 2x250 gb.
> every thing is working well except VM file transfer performance. hosted on
> NFS.
> when i SCP from omniOS to another linux server it copy
> root at omni:/acipool# scp test.tmp root at 10.x.x.13:/
> The authenticity of host '10.x.x.13 (10.xx.xx.13)' can't be established.
> RSA key fingerprint is da:x:xx:xx:8f:b1:ed:d9:f4:dd:e3xxx:21:5f:01:23.
> Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
> Warning: Permanently added '10.xx.xx.13' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
> root at 10.x.x.13's password:
> test.tmp             100%
> |********************************************************************************************|
> 5120 MB    07:37
> which i think is fine due to Raidz and 2 parities.
> however on VM hosted on NFS taking too much time.
> a file of 500 MB copying from NFS to my desktops took 20 minutes.
> but file from my desktop to NFS is normal. for example a file of 500Mb
> taking less then a minute to copy.
> but same file when i try to copy from NFS to desktop some time it shows 100
> plus minutes  and dynamically changing time but eventually it is taking too
> much time.
> some time copying from NFS is a bit quicker and some time dead slow.
> one thing i have also noticed that once the copy is dead slow it suddenly
> starts copying the data very fast and it happens for few seconds and then
> again dead slow.
> any idea what is happening what mistake i am doing here ?
> any advice would be highly appreciated.
> i will share my further testing later.
> Thanks,
> Yousuf
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