[OmniOS-discuss] trying to build omnios latest

Dan McDonald danmcd at omniti.com
Thu Aug 14 13:49:34 UTC 2014

So as of this moment, you are:

1.) Running bloody.

2.) Trying to build illumos-omnios


Let's first try just building illumos-omnios the way illumos developers do:  With nightly.

1.) Clone illumos-omnios somewhere.  Since you're building bloody, make sure it's the "master" branch.

2.) Use the attached illumos-omnios.env.

3.) Edit in the illumos-omnios.env file the GATE (to the name of your clone), the PARENT_WS and CODEMGR_WS (to match the path to the directory containing your GATE), and the ON_CLOSED_BINS (to make sure your closed-binaries are referenced).

4.) Run /opt/onbld/bin/nightly <Your/copy/of/>illumos-omnios.env

Please share the subsequent mail_msg.


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