[OmniOS-discuss] NTP server needs restarting to be usable

Michael Mounteney gate03 at landcroft.co.uk
Tue Dec 23 02:29:10 UTC 2014

After the reboot referred-to in my earlier message, the NTP server
wasn't really working properly.  At first ntpclient on a Linux box was

41994 07614.540  rejected packet: LI==3
41994 07629.556  rejected packet: LI==3
41994 07644.571  rejected packet: LI==3
41994 07659.586  rejected packet: LI==3

then after "svcadm disable ntp ; svcadm enable ntp" on the server:

41994 07860.947  rejected packet: abs(DISP)>65536
41994 07875.963  rejected packet: abs(DISP)>65536
41994 07890.978  rejected packet: abs(DISP)>65536
41994 07905.993  rejected packet: abs(DISP)>65536

then after "svcadm disable ntp ; sleep 30 ; svcadm enable ntp":

41994 07996.069  rejected packet: abs(DISP)>65536
41994 08011.084     397.0    122.7   -5266.1 215988.2  -3528976
41994 08026.099     334.0    113.8   -5872.0 216217.0  -3528976
41994 08041.115     345.0    122.2   -6198.3 216445.9  -3528976

so it took two restarts to get it going properly.  Any ideas
why ?  /etc/inet/ntp.conf is:

driftfile /var/ntp/ntp.drift
statsdir /var/ntp/ntpstats/
filegen peerstats file peerstats type day enable
filegen loopstats file loopstats type day enable
restrict default ignore # Deny everyone by default
restrict      # Allow localhost full access
restrict mask kod nomodify notrap nopeer
pool 0.pool.ntp.org iburst
pool 1.pool.ntp.org iburst
pool 2.pool.ntp.org iburst
pool 3.pool.ntp.org iburst
restrict 0.pool.ntp.org mask nomodify notrap noquery
restrict 1.pool.ntp.org mask nomodify notrap noquery
restrict 2.pool.ntp.org mask nomodify notrap noquery
restrict 3.pool.ntp.org mask nomodify notrap noquery


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