[OmniOS-discuss] Building "the rest of" OmniOS

Vern Bingham vern.bingham at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 09:33:51 UTC 2014

On 2 Sep 2014, at 14:18, Alexander Eremin <alexander.r.eremin at gmail.com> wrote:

> naming/ldap comes from illumos
> Alexander
>> On 02 сент. 2014 г., at 16:03, Vern Bingham <vern.bingham at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I wish to rebuild a package ("naming/ldap") on r151006. I carefully followed the instructions given on http://omnios.omniti.com/wiki.php/BuildInstructions . 
>> However, if I list the contents of the build subdirectory (./buildctl list), I do not see this package. 
>> I can successfully build all packages that appear in the list, but if I try with the package I'm interested in, it (normally) fails with "Unknown package: naming/ldap". 
>> How can I add this package source (and others) from the "omnios" publisher that I naively thought would appear automagically in the /omnios-build/build/ sub-directory?
>> Thanks,
>> V.

Thanks Alexander! 

I downloaded the Illumos source with "git clone git://github.com/illumos/illumos-gate.git", where I found the source code for the ldap commands, and I am now in the process of building it... 

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