[OmniOS-discuss] Infiniband In Omni

Narayan Desai narayan.desai at gmail.com
Mon Sep 29 18:02:44 UTC 2014

I hate to sound negative, but you're in for a bad time. The current drivers
were written by sun/oracle, and only just happen to still work. Parts (like
IPoIB) work, but others (EoIB) will randomly panic. Hardware support is
limited to connectx 1-2. And if anything goes wrong, there isn't anyone
that can really help you.

That all said, we had decent success with iscsi/iSER over connectX 1 cards.
Fujita Syoyo forward ported the last version of the OFED stack that
Sun/Oracle modified up to more recent illumos. Those bits are here:

On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 1:20 PM, Matthew Mabis <mmabis at vmware.com> wrote:

>  Hey All
>  I was wondering if someone who has been using IB in their lab has any
> good advice for someone just starting to integrate IB into their ZFS
> environment.  I have Connect-X (HCA) Card put into the host ( i do have a
> CX3 but i have heard its not natively supported and there were issues with
> the drivers) what i am looking for is this
>      Any Best Practices for using IPoIB with OmniOS?
>     Should i use the Stock drivers build into solaris (are there different
> ones that work better more stable?)
>     Are there Management tools i can install to run further tests?
>     Any other Guidelines you might recommend.
>  What i am going to attempt is my 3 ESXI hosts have CX-3 (VPI Pro Cards)
> connected to a SX6012 Switch i have a CX4 to QSFP cable coming to hook it
> into the switch and wanted to see if there would be any problems (yes the
> CX card is 20Gb/s) but this is the best i can offer it based on the drivers.
>  Anything someone might see as an issue (Gonna try iSCSI/NFS with This
> method direct lines to the hosts) uses CIFS on the 1Gb Ether.
>   Thanks
>  *Matt Mabis*
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