[OmniOS-discuss] Newer pkg list -v no longer displays build version

Lauri Tirkkonen lotheac at iki.fi
Wed Apr 8 20:12:39 UTC 2015

On Wed, Apr 08 2015 16:03:44 -0400, Dan McDonald wrote:
> THE BIG QUESTION is whether or not it's something worth fixing, or
> just something worth documenting more.

Yeah, I don't think it's worth reverting, especially if there are
conflicts; the build version, like Eric said, doesn't really change.
pkg(5) from 151006 as well as 151014 also has this to say:

    Many parts of the system, when appropriate, abridge FMRIs when
    displaying them, and accept input in shorter forms to reduce the volume
    of information displayed or required. Typically, the scheme, publisher,
    build version, and timestamp can be elided.

It's just something to be aware of. I do remember testing whether it was
possible to publish packages which omit branch and release versions back
when I was patching a certain piece of configuration management software
to handle pkg versions properly, and on 151006 pkg it was, so I built my
regexes accordingly. Luckily, it seems.

Lauri Tirkkonen | lotheac @ IRCnet

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