[OmniOS-discuss] OmniOS 151014: questions about locale settings and vi editing command's issues.
Tim Rice
tim at multitalents.net
Thu Apr 16 17:45:26 UTC 2015
On Thu, 16 Apr 2015, Davide Poletto wrote:
> Once vi is launched I'm used to enable the INSERT mode with ESC + a and
> then start editing (this happens in Linux), in this case if I press ESC + a
The way this is written leads me to think you are pressing ESC and a at
the same time. Keep in mind ESC is not a modifier key like Shift, Ctrl, or
Alt. In vi, ESC exits edit mode and gets back to command mode.
> vi doesn't enter into INSERT mode at all and consequent keys that are
> pressed are wihtout any sense for me...as example if I press the Up Key to
> move up vi prints the letter "B", what is interesting is that if I press
> ESC once again it switches into another mode...and pressing the "dd" will
> delete the line on which the cursor is (dd delete) so there something weird
> about vi and my configuration (which is the default as per OmniOS fresh
> install) <- This behaviour was the same with every single OmniOS install I
> did in the past (same Timezone, same Keyboard layout).
Yes, in command mode, dd should delete the line at the cursor.
Pressing the arrow keys will only do what you expect in command mode.
If you've pressed an a, (append after cursor) you are now in edit mode
where you can start typing your text. Press ESC to get back to command mode.
Now on a OmniOS (and every other *NIX I know) console the arrow keys send
an ESC as the first character of their sequence so you end up in command mode.
> Davide.
Tim Rice Multitalents
tim at multitalents.net
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