[OmniOS-discuss] auto_master /net not allowing root permission

CJ Keist cj.keist at colostate.edu
Thu Aug 6 16:16:56 UTC 2015

Attached is picture of the NFS export options on the Dell NAS device.

The server goku, is the CentOS system which doesn't have any issues 
create/deleting/modify files/folders as root both through autofs and 
manually mounted.

The OmniOS system is projects2 and the IP address is the same OmniOS 
system. Just testing things out there.

The FluidOS system does show that both the CentOS and the OmniOS system 
are connecting through using NFS v3.

And automountd is running as root:
root at projects2:/mnt/test# ps -ef | egrep autofs
     root 19684 19682   0   Aug 04 ?           0:00 
     root 25158 25039   0 10:08:49 pts/1       0:00 egrep autofs
     root 19682     1   0   Aug 04 ?           0:00 

Not sure where userid of 99 and group id of 99 is coming from? They are 
not defined in /etc/passwd or /etc/group.

On 8/6/15 9:53 AM, Volker A. Brandt wrote:
> CJ Keist writes:
>> Going through the manual mount point /mnt, and creating a file it
>> does get the root:root ownership.  But going through the autofs
>> /net/nasstore2/projects and creating a file it is getting 99:99
>> ownership on the file???
>> Is autofs running as different user than root on OmniOS?
> No, it is not, at least not on my OmniOS systems. :-)
> My guess is that this is something on the NFS server side, but I
> don't really know.  What are your export options for "projects" on
> "nasstore2"?
> Regards -- Volker

C. J. Keist                     Email: cj.keist at colostate.edu
Systems Group Manager           Solaris 10 OS (SAI)
Engineering Network Services    Phone: 970-491-0630
College of Engineering, CSU     Fax:   970-491-5569
Ft. Collins, CO 80523-1301

All I want is a chance to prove 'Money can't buy happiness'

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