[OmniOS-discuss] UPCOMING: End of Support Life approaching for OmniOS r151010

Dominik Hassler hasslerd at gmx.li
Fri Feb 20 22:14:48 UTC 2015


I had a look at HVM-807 you mentioned.

Shouldn't line 251 in 'net/vnic.c' be
for (i = 0; i < MIN(iovcnt, FRAMEIO_NVECS_MAX); i++, iov++) {

instead of
for (i = 0; i < MIN(iovcnt, FRAMEIO_NVECS_MAX - 1); i++, iov++) {

As otherwise the last element of the frameio will not be used at all if
iovcnt is greater than the frameio buffer size?

Kind regards

On 02/20/2015 09:17 PM, Dan McDonald wrote:
>> On Feb 20, 2015, at 2:58 PM, Tobias Oetiker <tobi at oetiker.ch> wrote:
>> Hi Dan,
>> I do not have a spare machine to test this, but if the dramatic
>> network io performance regression for kvm present in r151012 has
>> not been fixed in r151014 then we will be stranded on r151010.
> And the upstreaming of VND is likely not to happen with this release.  That blocks us from properly catching up with illumos-kvm-cmd.
> There are several commits (Starting with the March 19th one we can't bring in w/o VND) here:
> 	https://github.com/joyent/illumos-kvm-cmd/commits/master
> Currently, we only backport the most recent fix about QEMU using preadv/pwritev recklessly.  IF (big if) there are other commits we can backport, you could try it using the patches/ directory of omnios-build.  I'm thinking maybe HVM-807's may help you (provided that's indepdent of VND support).
> Have you seen anything with dtrace or lockstat that could give a clue to what's holding things up?  I don't recall seeing anything observed.
>> Judging from the echo on the ML, not many people seem to see this
>> problem, or care about it.
> I'm sorry, but that does appear to be the case.
> Next week I disappear for other-customer work, but starting in March, I'm doing nothing but r151014.
> Dan
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