[OmniOS-discuss] rsync & MacOS

Olaf Marzocchi lists at marzocchi.net
Wed Mar 11 19:38:16 UTC 2015

Hi Dan,
I can give you some links, as in the past I was using rsync to backup OSX data.
https://static.afp548.com/mactips/rsync.html <https://static.afp548.com/mactips/rsync.html> (some old hints about how to compile rsync)
http://www.n8gray.org/code/backup-bouncer/ <http://www.n8gray.org/code/backup-bouncer/> (a script to verify correct backups of OSX data using rsync)

In any case, I think that if you compile rsync by adding the obviously named patches provided with rsync itself, you should be fine. It’s also true that recent OSXs almost don’t use resource forks, if you backup xattrs it should be enough.


> Il giorno 11/mar/2015, alle ore 20:27, Dan McDonald <danmcd at omniti.com> ha scritto:
> MacOS is weird because of its forked files.  I use NFS and everything works out okay.  I would like, however, to use rsync to mirror my home directory, as even with GigE, it takes a long time to back things up from scratch.
> Does the MacOS X native rsync client work with 10.6 or 10.10 (I have machines running both, but nothing in between)?  Do I need special patches either on my clients or on my OmniOS server (r151012 for now, 014 shortly coming).  There's no rsync changes between 012 and 014 (3.1.1), so if it works for 012, it will keep working.
> Thanks,
> Dan
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