[OmniOS-discuss] TEST REQUEST - Running kvm in a zone verification

Andy omnios at citrus-it.net
Wed Mar 11 23:39:05 UTC 2015

On Wed, 11 Mar 2015, Dan McDonald wrote:

; > On Mar 11, 2015, at 3:05 PM, Dan McDonald <danmcd at omniti.com> wrote:
; >
; >
; > Oh hell!  I actually didn't add KVM into the platform.xml files.  /dev/dld *is* in the zones, if you use exclusive-stack (and I don't know a good reason NOT to these days...).
; I've just pushed out an update to system/zones, which will require a new BE and a reboot, but it has the kvm in platform.xml for both ipkg and lipkg brands.

Working fine for me in an lipkg zone.

root at test:/root# zoneadm list -vc
  ID NAME    STATUS     PATH                      BRAND    IP
   6 test    running    /                         native   excl

root at test:/root# svccfg -s kvm
svc:/system/kvm> add bsd0
svc:/system/kvm> select bsd0
svc:/system/kvm:bsd0> addpg config application
svc:/system/kvm:bsd0> setprop config/vnic=bsd0
svc:/system/kvm:bsd0> setprop config/vnc=5
svc:/system/kvm:bsd0> setprop config/mem=4G
svc:/system/kvm:bsd0> setprop config/hdd=/dev/zvol/rdsk/test/bsd/hdd0
svc:/system/kvm:bsd0> setprop config/iso=/FreeBSD-9.2-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso
svc:/system/kvm:bsd0> end

root at test:/root# svcadm enable kvm:bsd0
root at test:/root# svcs kvm:bsd0
STATE          STIME    FMRI
online          0:23:08 svc:/system/kvm:bsd0

oot at test:/root# netstat -an | grep 590
      *.5905               *.*                0      0 128000      0 LISTEN    89984      0 128872      0 ESTABLISHED
      *.5905                            *.*                             0      0 128000      0 LISTEN

root at test:/root# cat /var/svc/log/system-kvm:bsd0.log

[ Mar 12 00:29:52 Executing start method ("/lib/svc/method/kvm start"). ]
svcprop: Couldn't find property `config/extra' for instance `svc:/system/kvm:bsd0'.
STARTING WITH: 		/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 		-name bsd0 		-enable-kvm 		-vnc :5 		-smp 10 		-m 4G 		-no-hpet 		-localtime 		-drive file=/dev/zvol/rdsk/test/bsd/hdd0,if=ide,index=0 		-net nic,vlan=0,name=net0,model=e1000,macaddr=2:8:20:25:52:33 		-net vnic,vlan=0,name=net0,ifname=bsd0,macaddr=2:8:20:25:52:33 		-vga std 		-daemonize 	 			-drive file=/FreeBSD-9.2-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso,media=cdrom,if=ide,index=2  			-boot cd
multiticks: timer_create: Not owner
multiticks: could not create timer; disabling
timer_create: Not owner
Dynamic Ticks disabled
qemu-system-x86_64: -net vnic,vlan=0,name=net0,ifname=bsd0,macaddr=2:8:20:25:52:33: vnic dhcp disabled
qemu-system-x86_64: -net vnic,vlan=0,name=net0,ifname=bsd0,macaddr=2:8:20:25:52:33: can't ioctl: Invalid argument

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