[OmniOS-discuss] SMB version with NTLM authentication version.

Matthew Mabis mmabis at vmware.com
Sat May 23 08:08:31 UTC 2015

Hey all,

Wondering if you could verify with me the following information about the SMB protocol within OmniOs..   Is it currently using SMBv1 as a standard i saw a blog that discussed that doing further research it looks like SMBv3 or v2 is not built into Omni at this time (you can tell me if i am wrong)

I had an issue today with my OSX 10.10.3 build where i have been connecting to my OmniOS NAS with no issues until today where it complained to me that i was using NLTMv1 and i had to use a workaround plist to get it working... 

Just wondering if this has been seen or is a known issue?  Just seems to have popped up within the last month or so...   Any other workarounds you might have on this would greatly be appreciated just wondering if this is known and if the SMB version has something to do with it?

Thanks for your time

Matt Mabis

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