[OmniOS-discuss] Upgrade from r151006 to r151014

Kai kai at meder.info
Sat Oct 17 14:51:02 UTC 2015


I'm currently on OmniOS v11 r151006 and want to upgrade to the lastest LTS 
and stay there for a while.

I already did
$ pkg refresh --full
$ pkg unfreeze \
  entire \
  consolidation/osnet/osnet-incorporation \
  incorporation/jeos/illumos-gate \
(although can't remember to having freezed anything in the past)

$ pkg update -nv
: No updates available for this image.

doing an explicit 
$ pkg update -nv --be-name=omnios-r151014 entire at 11,5.11-0.151014
: pkg update: 'entire at 11,5.11-0.151008' matches no installed packages

What can I do now?

Thank you very much,

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