[OmniOS-discuss] r151014's catalog.shtml update

Peter Tribble peter.tribble at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 20:32:53 UTC 2016


The sheer NUMBER of packages (old and new) on the r151014 repo I think
> tickled some godawful performance problem in pkg(5)'s pkg.depotd.

The OI hipster repo is something like 20-100 times as large as the
r151014 repo. It's not pretty, but it does seem to work.

> In lieu of diving deeply into pkg(5) at the moment, I chose to reconstruct
> r151014's repo with just the "-m latest" packages.  I mention this detail,
> in case something else happens.  This way, people know what was done.


Errmm, we rely on being able to install specific versions of packages,
which now fails.

It's worse; I can't create a zone at all on anything that isn't fully
as it's looking for an older version of entire and can't find it.

You'll need to put all the versions of the packages in the repo, I believe.

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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