[OmniOS-discuss] Questions about - End the uncertainty -

Linda Kateley lkateley at kateley.com
Fri Jul 7 18:58:00 UTC 2017

On 7/7/17 1:52 PM, Michael Rasmussen wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Jul 2017 11:14:25 -0400
> Dan McDonald <danmcd at kebe.com> wrote:
>> During the r151024 timeframe, one of the things on my plate was going to be a "install postprocessing" menu option on the Kayak menu.  The idea would be if you wanted to get things set prior to your next boot, you'd go into that.  It seemed appropriate for an interactive installer, while still keeping the spirit of REALLY FAST, DAMMIT that Kayak embodied.
>> My suggestion, and you can dismiss it of course, it to build the postprocessing menu option.  It'd bring up a new screen, full of choices like "configure networking", "Set root password", "Add users", etc. etc.
> This is exactly the same ideas I have;-)
> Add to this that the user should be able to apply a preseed to the
> installer (Think of Debian) to have all that done automatically -
> imagine being able to remote install through PXE both Omnios and
> detailed configuration and installation of extra stuff.
Yea, I thought that was what AI was?
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