[OmniOS-discuss] Questions about - End the uncertainty -

Günther Alka alka at hfg-gmuend.de
Fri Jul 7 19:51:04 UTC 2017

Only a personal stance

I am from Germany where a re-unification of Germany happened some year ago.
When this happened there were a lot of different interest involved but 
luckily Cancellor Kohl simply declared this as a golden common future 
for East and West Germany and he succeeded.

A lot went wrong afterwards and for some it was indeed not the golden 
future. But in general, Germany is seen now much better than in any 
other history. Mr Kohl dies recently with the honour of the first 
funeral as a European state ceremony.

Illumos is not nearly as relevant like the future of nations involved in 
wars. But the mood of the persons and the needed decisions are similar.

Lets repeat a similar success with OI + OmniOS despite the problems and 
They are sisters and want basically the same. In the end both will be 
better off. Just do it.


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