[OmniOS-discuss] Investing into the Future of OmniOS Community Edition

Paul B. Henson henson at acm.org
Tue Nov 28 20:45:49 UTC 2017

> From: Tobias Oetiker
> Sent: Monday, November 27, 2017 4:52 AM
> out of thin air. applying some business logic and risk analysis should make this
> abundantly clear to most people with business responsibilities.

Hmm, methinks you don't have a good understanding of the average MBA bean counter 8-/. I was able to convince the management at my university to purchase "commercial support" from OmniTI in order to support OmniOS, but it's quite unlikely I'd be able to get them to "donate money to free software development" 8-/. If something that gave the facade of "commercial support" could be offered, even if it was just "email a list of developers and one will try to reply when they have time" I could try to regain the funding that was going to OmniTI and send it your way.

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