[OmniOS-discuss] OmniOS 151014: questions about locale settings and vi editing command's issues.

Tim Rice tim at multitalents.net
Thu Apr 16 20:40:04 UTC 2015

Hi Davide,

On Thu, 16 Apr 2015, Davide Poletto wrote:

| Hi Tim,
| On Apr 16, 2015 7:45 PM, "Tim Rice" <tim at multitalents.net> wrote:
| >
| >
| > Davide,
| >
| > The way this is written leads me to think you are pressing ESC and a at
| the same time.
| Yes, exactly as I do once in vi to enter into its INSERT mode on every
| Linux I've put my hands on.
| > Yes, in command mode, dd should delete the line at the cursor.
| Yeah, I know that dd when vi editor is into its COMMAND mode deletes the
| line at which the cursor is...no news here.
| Are you meaning that I should use use keys combinations in a different ways
| (e.g. the "ESC" with "a" combination in the way you explained above) I'm
| used in Linux for years to let vi editor in OmniOS behaving the same way it
| behaves in Linux?

Remember ESC is not a modifer. So if you attempt to press ESC and a at
the same time, you don't know which one the system will get first.

The only reason the press the ESC key is to get back to command mode.
Once in command mode an a will enter input mode appending after the cursor.
There are other ways to begin input mode.
A to append to end of line.
i to insert before cursor.
I to insert before 1st non whitespace on line.
o to open a new line below cursor.
O to open a new line above cursor.
And others.

| Thanks, Davide.

Tim Rice				Multitalents	(707) 456-1146
tim at multitalents.net

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