[OmniOS-discuss] BIND DNS server on r151014

Natxo Asenjo natxo.asenjo at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 20:09:45 UTC 2016

hi Andries,

On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 3:15 PM, Andries Annema <an3s.annema at gmail.com>

> Hello all,
> What’s up with the BIND DNS server package? Trying to get it installed and
> running on a r151014 box and even though installation  from the
> ms.omniti.com publisher is successful, …:
> # pkg info server/dns/bind
>           Name: omniti/server/dns/bind
>        Summary: BIND DNS server and tools
>          State: Installed
>      Publisher: ms.omniti.com
>        Version: 9.10.4
>         Branch: 0.151014
> Packaging Date: Wed May  4 18:19:49 2016
>           Size: 63.48 MB
>           FMRI: pkg://ms.omniti.com/omniti/server/dns/bind@9.10.4-0.
> 151014:20160504T181949Z
> … a DNS server service doesn’t show up:
> # svcs -a | grep dns
> disabled       14:04:31 svc:/network/dns/install:default
> disabled       14:04:31 svc:/network/dns/client:default
> disabled       14:04:33 svc:/network/dns/multicast:default

The ms.omniti.com bind server package does not have the smf configuration,
I had the same problem a while ago.

I ended up installing the one in uulm.mawi repo, these are the notes from
my documentation to get it running:

# pkg set-publisher -g http://scott.mathematik.uni-ulm.de/release uulm.mawi

Verify the repo is enabled:

# pkg publisher
PUBLISHER                             TYPE     STATUS   URI
omnios                                origin   online
uulm.mawi                             origin   online

Then we can install it with:

# pkg install service/network/dns/bind

This will install bind but it is not enabled by default. Fortunately this
is very easy. First find the service name:

# svcs -a | grep dns
disabled       13:21:43 svc:/network/dns/install:default
disabled       13:21:43 svc:/network/dns/client:default
disabled       13:21:45 svc:/network/dns/multicast:default
disabled       14:29:16 svc:/network/dns/server:default

The last one looks like the right one, so we enable it with

# svcadm enable dns/server
# svcs -a | grep dns
disabled       13:21:43 svc:/network/dns/install:default
disabled       13:21:43 svc:/network/dns/client:default
disabled       13:21:45 svc:/network/dns/multicast:default
online         14:30:50 svc:/network/dns/server:default

This bind package has a file /etc/named.conf.sample, so we copy that to
/etc/named.conf and modify it to your liking. For a caching server the only
change you probably need to do is adapt the allow-recursion parameter to
match your network

# svcadm disable dns/server
# svcadm enable dns/server

Hope this helps.

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