[OmniOS-discuss] updating ms-omniti repo fails

Jens Bauernfeind bauernfeind at ipk-gatersleben.de
Tue Nov 8 06:13:41 UTC 2016

Hello all,

the problem discussed in this old thread
http://lists.omniti.com/pipermail/omnios-discuss/2015-June/005193.html is
still there.
I have running a r151014 machine, the first clone of the ms-omniti repo is
working fine, but updating is impossible.

steps i have done:
zfs create rpool/export/pkgrepo/omnios/ms.omniti.com
pkgrepo create /export/pkgrepo/omnios/ms.omniti.com
pkgrepo set -s /export/pkgrepo/omnios/ms.omniti.com
pkgrecv -v -s http://pkg.omniti.com/omniti-ms/ -d
/export/pkgrepo/omnios/ms.omniti.com/ --clone -p ms.omniti.com
pkgrepo refresh -s /export/pkgrepo/omnios/ms.omniti.com

export PKG_SRC=http://pkg.omniti.com/omniti-ms/
export PKG_DEST=/export/pkgrepo/omnios/ms.omniti.com/
pkgrecv -v '*' --clone -p ms.omniti.com

while updating, the following error message appears:

PROCESS                                         ITEMS    GET (MB)   SEND
network/iftop                                  0/2016      0/9765
pkgrecv: 'open' failed for transaction ID
006%3A20130719T210149Z': The specified FMRI,
already exists or has been restricted.

Thanks for help
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